2019 Vintage Report


The growing season leading up to vintage 2019 saw lower than average winter and spring rainfall.  Our vineyards have shown resilience through drought conditions with Vintage 2019 producing lower yields of high quality fruit.

The season kicked off with some localised frost events in September and October, which led to yield losses in several vineyards. Hail also caused some losses in in a narrow band through Watervale and Leasingham. 

There were some extreme weather conditions during the growing season, including the lowest temperature recorded in spring and the highest ever temperature in summer, but the grapes showed great resilience.

Whites have retained good acidity while the reds were sun-blessed and are showing great colour and varietal intensity. Riesling has been the star performer in terms of yield, with crops coming in at only 10-15 per cent down on expectations, demonstrating what an incredibly resilient variety Riesling is under our conditions.

Our Shiraz and Cabernet yields were down, but quality is looking strong.